Problem Solving

What is the cause of cracking in Oranges before maturity?
April 7, 2017 - 22:18
SMS Problem ID: #dsge
Answers: 1


May 3, 2017 - 06:42

It is believed that stress to the tree triggered by changes in the temperature, soil moisture, humidity and perhaps fertiliser levels cause its fruit to split. For instance, if a citrus tree is exposed to a combination of high winds and hot weather, drought stress might occur, triggering it to absorb water from its fruit. Heavily watering the tree after the hot winds causes its fruit to swell and crack.

The weather forecast can help you determine whether you need to irrigate the tree to prevent fruit splitting. If a hot spell is in the forecast, water the tree beforehand, and water it lightly afterward for a few days, instead of shocking it with a large amount of water all at once. After two or three days, resume your normal watering schedule. Also, fertilise every month during the growing season or use a time-release fertiliser. Unlike a one-time, yearly application of a quick-release fertiliser, this provides consistent nutrients, which helps prevent fruit splitting

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