Resource:Questions in New Methods of Extension Answered

Friday, October 21, 2016 - 7:59am

A compilation of links to resources from the MEAS library offers insights into:

  • How public and private extension systems might work together to improve services;
  • How farmers get agricultural information so they can get great seeds and keep crops healthy, connect to markets, and get higher prices for goods;
  • The current extension systems in countries like Bangladesh, Malawi and Ghana including exploration into who the key players and policymakers are as well as the barriers to serving female and male farmers well;
  • How extension agents can help farmers adapt to the negative effects of climate change and better manage resources as water supplies dwindle and pests threaten entire crops;
  • Free easy-to-use materials which can be used to help facilitate workshops and train extension agents to integrate gender equity and nutrition knowledge into their practices;
  • The difference between farmer-led and farmer-to-farmer teaching methods, and examples which can be emulated.

You may access the article by Kathryn Heinz bearing those links from here. (Source: AGRILINKS website)


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