Problem Solving

Why do crops like pumpkins wilt in a maize field where tobacco pellets has been used?
March 28, 2017 - 12:12
SMS Problem ID: #eecx
Answers: 1


Benjamin Chisama's picture
Benjamin Chisama
April 27, 2017 - 16:58

Application of tobacco pellets in maize field is relative new thing to most farmers who are used to granular form. I am wondering if you planted pumpkins were so close to where the pellets were applied. If yes, then there are two options to be followed next time:

-Apply tobacco pellets one table spoonful at 7-10 cm away from either maize or pumpkins as basal or top dressing;

-Pre-apply tobacco pellets by opening up ridges at the rate of 4.5 tons per hector two to three months before planting either crops. This will facilitate bio-degradation of organic materials and avoid scotching the crops.

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