The GA of FCA Madagascar decided during its annual meeting to organize some trainings for members during year 2016.
Among priority skills to be improved is Project Proposal and Project Management.
Therefore, a face to face training was organized on the 26th and 27th of July in Antananarivo with participation of members from 6 different regions of Madagascar.
Online registration was open during one month.
A total of 79 candidates applied.
The board decided to take 50 candidates from research (FIFAMANOR, FOFIFA) and other members of FCA taking gender balance into consideration.
The training was facilitated by Mr Jean Jacques Ramaroson, Mr Andrianjafy Rasoanindrainy and Mrs Mireille Rahaingo Volona and experts (with international experiences) delivered the training: Mrs Solange Rajaonah, Mrs Amena Abdirassoul, Dr Zazah Vestalys, Mr Rajerison Ranaivo-Harisoa
Thought participants admitted during the evaluation that 2 days was too short, the experts managed to share most key concepts in project management, namely :
- process from dream to idea and project to reality
- project life cycle
- notion of logical framework
- key concepts of effectiveness, efficiency and relevance in project
- funding possibilities for projects
- Rapid Result Initiative (RRI)
- Result Based Management (RBM)
- Monitoring and Evaluation
Real case trainings and simulations took place (about 35% of time) with lectures/presentations (40% time) and many experience and cases were shared (25%).
FCA's activites were take as example:
- innovation dissemination project
- new technology (ICT) community project
- seeds production and dissemination project
- ...
The training ended with a 20mn evaluation. Conclusions were:
- many concepts covered but not in depth and not enough exercice
- organizations among experts need more coordination
- not enough time
Such training might be repeated in future.