The application of systems thinking to agricultural education and training (AET) is critical to sustainable agricultural development. By understanding complete AET systems and the connections within them, practitioners can account for more variables and better influence agricultural development outcomes. This approach can help any practitioner integrate AET within their work, particularly for gender, youth and workforce development.
AET systems include formal education (primary, secondary, tertiary and vocational/technical institutions) as well as nonformal education (extension and workforce development) and informal education (on-the-job training and day-to-day self-learning). The February Ag Sector Council Seminar will discuss the five AET linkages and demonstrate how they can be built them into projects. These connections include those between:
- Theory and practical instruction
- Curriculum and workforce/industry demands
- Educational institutions at different levels
- Different management systems such as governmental, NGO and parochial
- AET and extension systems
The discussion will also include examples of AET systems in practice. Presenters will showcase successful cases and how they are developed. More