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  1. News: News: Innovate for agriculture: New CTA report demonstrates how young ICT entrepreneurs are innovating to transform agriculture

    948 reads An increasing number of young innovative entrepreneurs in African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries are developing ICTs for agriculture solutions to support agricultural value chains, providing employment and livelihood opportunities. To highlight ACP entrepreneurs’ important ...more

  2. Group: Innovative Approaches to Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services

    Share understanding of what an “innovative approach to AAS” is & information on what innovative approaches exist to cope with new demands of AAS Share understanding of what an “innovative approach to AAS” is & information on what innovative approaches exist to cope with new demands of AAS ...more

  3. News: News: "Innovation in Advisory Service", topic for the Annual Meeting of FCA Madagascar

    1370 reads FCA Madagascar​ is organising its Annual Meeting and GA on November the 9th and 10th, 2016. An Innovation Competition was organized since May and contents, approaches and different media were developped by rural advisory agents. 18 innovations were retained and 10 will be selected to ...more

  4. Resource: Resource: Innovation with a Purpose report from the World Economic Forum

    355 reads Innovation with a Purpose report from the World Economic Forum highlights how technology innovation can accelerate transformation in food systems by making them more inclusive, sustainable, efficient, and their outputs more nutritious and healthy. Table of Contents: 2 Quotes 3 Preface ...more

  5. Resource: Resource: lignes directrices pour organiser une Foire de l’Innovation Paysanne

    608 reads Bonjour Camarades, Nos amis du Reseau AgriProFocus ont souhaité partager avec nous ce document sur les lignes directrices pour organiser une Foire de l'Innovation  des producteurs. Le document est ainsi prefacé: "Afin d’inciter les décideurs politiques et les acteurs de terrain ...more

  6. Story: Story: Innovation driving growth in Africa's agricultural sector

    Innovation driving growth in Africa's agricultural sector AFAAS Support's blog 1019 reads Natural Resource Management Innovation Africa <a href="/users/afaas-support-0" title="View user profile." class="username" xml:lang="" ...more

  7. News: News: Atelier National de Capitalisation de l'experience de l'Utilisation des émissions radiophoniques et clubs d’écoute communautaires dans la diffusion des innovations

    298 reads FOSCAR-Mali et CIV organisent le 21 mars, l'atelier national de Capitalisation de l'experience de l'Utilisation des émissions radiophoniques et clubs d’écoute communautaires dans la diffusion des innovations. En 2017, les Centres d'Innovations Vertes/GIZ et ...more

  8. News: News: Atelier National de Capitalisation de l'experience de l'Utilisation des émissions radiophoniques et clubs d’écoute communautaires dans la diffusion des innovations, FOSCAR-Mali a atteint les objectifs

    287 reads Organisé le 21 mars 2018 a l'hotel Mandé par FOSCAR-Mali et CIV, l'atelier de capitalisation  de l'experience de l'Utilisation des émissions radiophoniques et clubs d’écoute communautaires dans la diffusion des innovations a regroupé plus de quarante participants ...more

  9. News: News: Spreading Agricultural Innovations through Pixels

    648 reads 'In late 2013, CTA embarked on a journey to discover what innovations in agriculture were taking place under the radar in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific (ACP). The project aimed to unearth and boost the awareness of the many innovations that research organisations, ...more

  10. Story: Story: Global Good Practice Note 13: Agricultural Innovation Systems

    Generating and applying new knowledge is important for all enterprises, including farming. But, quite often, new knowledge that can enhance productivity, competitiveness, and sustainability in farming is not widely adopted at scale. This lack of innovation in agriculture has led to the search for ...more
