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  1. Organisation: Ghana Forum for Agricultural Advisory Support and Services (GFAASS)

    Lesson learning, information sharing and professional interaction in Agricultural extension and Advisory services. The Ghana Forum for Agricultural Advisory Support and Services GFAASS is a legal entity registered with the Registrar General of Ghana and currently being hosted by the ...more

  2. Question: Question: Question

    471 reads web Agriculture Who can forward e-versions the agricultural extension strategy plus plans for Uganda and Ghana? Advisory Services dmak ...more

  3. Resource: Resource: Barakuk- A natural protector for onion seed

    462 reads A natural protector for onion seed Advisory Services Farmer First Seeds Agriculture Crop Production CTA234- Top 20 Guidebook_Barakuk_Onion Seed_AW PRINT.pdf Ghana <a href="/users/afaas-support-0" title="View user profile." class="username" ...more

  4. Story: Story: Sharing the Experience of Rural Life: A Wisdom Pot for the Modern World

    Growing up on the farm, in the rural area, provides a unique life experience. You learn many life skills and lessons. It can be exciting but there are times that it can be challenging as well. I live in Kumasi, Ghana and I work with a social enterprise that serves the needs of smallholder farmers ...more

  5. Resource: Resource: Farmer training videos on fruit fly management

    618 reads 'With support from CORAF, and in collaboration with the University of Abomey-Calavi in Benin and the University of Ghana, Agro-Insight produced a series of 6 farmer training videos on fruit fly management, which will be of great relevance to all those involved in developing fruit ...more


    236 reads This report synthesizes findings from seven country scoping studies on gender‐responsive approaches to rural advisory services (RAS) in Africa. The studies, which were conducted in Benin, Ethiopia, Ghana, Malawi, Nigeria, Sudan, and Uganda, were meant to identify existing policies, ...more

  7. Opportunity: AAIN mentorship programme for Africa

    Africa Agribusiness Incubation Network (AAIN) is a private sector institution and with very high whose mandate is to strengthen agribusiness incubation in Africa. As part of her implementation strategy, AAIN is working with mentors who have experience in v ...more

  8. Resource: Resource: Questions in New Methods of Extension Answered

    higher prices for goods; The current extension systems in countries like Bangladesh, Malawi and Ghana including exploration into who the key players and policymakers are as well as the barriers to serving female and male farmers well; How extension agents can help farmers adapt to the negative effects of ...more

  9. Story: Story: Ghanaian farmers upskill with help from DCS smart technology

    farming communities in Ghana and other areas of Africa. Farmer Abdul Rahman Yakubu commented, “Watching the video in my local language I feel that everything is possible.  The video was shot in Mali and I can sit here and watch it, and it speaks to me in Dagbani.  Everyone in the room was able to ...more

  10. News: News: Convention de partenariat: Radio Jitumu & Groupe Cibarani.

    ‘’Cibarani’’, c’est un programme qui consiste en émissions de  films spécifiquement radiophoniques à vocation de conseils et de vulgarisations Agricoles seulement. Le premier lot de film à diffuser dans son cadre est entièrement extrait du fond documentaire de nos amis d’AccessAgriculture, sis au Ghana ...more