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Resource: Resource: FAO e-Learning Courses
345 reads FAO’s e-learning courses are designed for self-paced learning and offered free of charge in English, French and Spanish. Subject experts from around the world have been involved in the development of the courses which are divided into 18 categories: Agricultural Statistics Animal ...more
News: News: Rwanda to create agricultural advisory services forum
553 reads The Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources in the Republic of Rwanda announced plans to create a national agricultural advisory services forum. 'The forum will enable the country to network at continental and global levels to help it coordinate agricultural information from ...more
Story: Story: Launch of INGENAES Community of Practice (CoP) in Uganda
The Uganda Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (UFAAS) is currently partnering with the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (UIUC) University’s project on the Integration of Gender and Nutrition within Agricultural Extension Services (INGENAES). The INGENAES project supports the United ...more
Question: Question: What is the potential yield of tobacco on 1 acre piece of land and how much fertilizer is required?
413 reads Samson Ngalande mobile Agriculture What is the potential yield of tobacco on 1 acre piece of land and how much fertilizer is required? Advisory Services 9vwq ...more
155 reads Prevention of Postharvest Loss: Animations showing how the actions of different value chain actors can influence Agricultural Value Chains. Please watch and learn Agribusiness Agricultural Economics Africa <a ...more
News: News: Report of an IFPRI Event on: Mechanization of African Agriculture- Does it Create or Destroy Jobs? AFAAS Content
5 reads An IFPRI event held on February 20, 2019 in Berlin, Germany discussed the findings of a study that describes the state of mechanization of agriculture in Africa. The study report — Mechanized: Transforming Africa’s Agriculture Value Chains—summarizes the findings of a systematic analysis ...more
Resource: Resource: The use of mobile phone in the development of agriculture in rural areas. Country Content AFAAS Content
493 reads Smartphones and their applications are innovations bringing good solution for agriculture development in other to help farmers to have acces to relevant informations. It participate in the amelioratiton of agriculture extension work and advisory services. In Africa rural areas, this ...more
News: News: The contribution of ICTs to the Ethiopian agricultural extension system: a review of literature on agriculture knowledge management
686 reads We share a study from Dereje Dersoand Ekuogbe Ejiro from Department of Rural Development and Agricultural Extension, Madda Walabu University and the Department of Biochemistry, Delta State University on the contribution of ICTs to the Ethiopian agricultural extionsion system. Read the ...more
Resource: Resource: An Analysis of Indicators and Measurement Tools Used in Zambia to Measure the Impact of Agricultural Extension Programs on Gender Equity and Nutrition Outcomes
583 reads A paper by Rhoda Mofya-Mukuka and Mulako Kabisa presents a study which set out 'to contribute to a better understanding of how to measure the impacts of agricultural extension services on nutrition and gender outcomes within the Zambian context. Specifically, the study: i. Discusses ...more
News: News: The role of mobile phone SMS solutions in promoting agribusiness among small-scale farmers in rural Zambia. A case of Northern Province
609 reads Did you know the power of the use of Market information services (#MIS) through mobile phone SMS platforms? “Without access to up to-date market prices for our products, we are very vulnerable to being swindled by traders from the cities and a neighbouring country who want make ...more